Tuesday, 11 February 2014

No Limit To His Supply

I believe God is pleased when you ask Him for more.
There is no limit to His supply! And He wants to bless you with every good thing.
When you ask Him for more of His goodness, more of His strength, more of His healing, more of His favor, more of His divine power working in you and through you—He is not offended. He loves to bless you!
In fact, God has already provided you with these things. As a child of God, righteous in His sight because of Jesus, these blessings are laid up in store for you. All you and I have to do is access them by faith.
Let me show you how...
You can be empowered by the Holy Spirit to enjoy divine health, good success and every spiritual blessing.
In John 14:26, Jesus told His disciples that when He returned to the Father, they would receive the Helper, that is the Holy Spirit, who would teach them all things.
On the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2:1–4, the Holy Spirit showed up in a powerful way.
A mighty wind was heard and felt, as cloven tongues of fire settled over the believers gathered in the Upper Room that day. The Holy Spirit filled everyone in that room, just as Jesus had promised, and they spoke in tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.
This same gift of tongues is available to you. While you don't have to speak in tongues, it is such a privilege and a gift from our Father in heaven.
And today I want to show you how this blessed gift from heaven can transform your life from the inside out.
The reason why we as believers can speak in tongues today, is because we have been made so righteous by the blood of Jesus that the Holy Spirit can live in us (see 1 Corinthians 3:16)—not just for one day, but forever!
This is such a wonderful truth to understand because it means that you are continually filled with the Holy Spirit. When the Lord is with you always, it means that you will live a life that is not stagnant, defeated or unproductive.
Life in the Spirit is characterized
by joyful abundance.
Jesus likened the Holy Spirit inside you to rivers of living water (see John 7:38-39). When you pray in the Spirit, you are tapping into the power that God has deposited in you through the Holy Spirit. You can activate and release this power of God to come into whatever situation you find yourself in.
  • If you are hard pressed for a decision...there is a river of wisdom.
  • If you feel weak...there is a river of power.
  • If you are confused about a situation...there is a river of a sound mind.
  • If you feel unloved or unappreciated...there is a river of love.
  • If you are tired or overwhelmed...there is a river of rest.
But here is the key: these rivers are released through your mouth.
As you continue to pray in the Spirit (or maybe begin for the very first time), the rivers of provision, increase, healing, favor and divine power will flow mightily in your life.
Beloved, God never meant for us to live life in stress. You don't have to strive or struggle with God—He wants you to live in the flow.
Whenever you have a need, come to your Father and pray in the Spirit. Instead of worrying, turn your cares into prayers and enter His rest. The Bible tells us in Isaiah 28:11-12 that speaking in tongues is "the rest" and "the refreshing."
So, the more you pray in the Spirit, the more you allow the power of God to drive out every fear, stress, worry and anxiety from your life. You will then see a greater measure of healing for your body, experience God's power in your situations and receive provision for your every need!
Beloved, thank you so much for your prayers and your faithful, generous support. Each time you give, it enables us to share the gospel of grace with millions of people all over the world. Thank you for standing with us and making that possible.
Remember, you can stir up rivers of life as you pray in tongues. And when you are so full of the Holy Spirit, you can't help but say and do things that produce successful results.

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