Friday, 31 January 2014

Masterpieces Are Made When We Rest

They were completely amazed and said again and again, “Everything he [Jesus] does is wonderful…”
Mark 7:37, NLT
Masterpieces Are Made When We Rest
When we step aside to rest and allow the Lord to work on our problems, the results are marvelous. When we cease from our self-efforts and rest in Him, He can bring forth beautiful outcomes for us because everything that He does is wonderful!
The supply of His grace, health, provision, peace and whatever we need is always flowing toward us because of the cross. But when we worry and strive to solve the problem ourselves, we choke that supply.
Beloved, instead of focusing on solving the problem, focus on resting in Christ and His finished work at Calvary. Keep seeing that bodily condition healed—finished at the cross. Keep seeing that debt paid—finished at the cross. The more you rest in Christ and what He has done, the more He can do wonderful things in your life!

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Living And Resting In His Grace

Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.
Proverbs 3:5–6, AMP
Living And Resting In His Grace
Depending on the Lord’s grace and resting in His finished work does not mean doing nothing. Just look at Apostle Paul, who lived by God’s grace. He saw first-hand how a revelation of God’s grace turned him into the effective and hardworking apostle that he was (1 Corinthians 15:10).
How do we rest in the Lord and still find ourselves effectively doing what we need to do? It’s simple—just do what you ought to do, but do it trusting in the Lord’s favor, not in your smarts or careful planning. Whatever you need to do today, do it with an inward rest, without worrying or fretting, knowing that He loves you, is in charge and is for you.
For example, let’s say that you’ve got a job interview coming up. First, commit the matter to the Lord. Ask Him for wisdom and favor. Then, prepare for the interview—read up on the company. On the day of the interview, dress appropriately and go for it, all the while having an inward rest as you trust the Lord for His wisdom and favor. As you do what’s needed, He will guide you and empower you to do what’s really needful and right. He’ll also give you favor with your interviewers.
Beloved, rest in His grace today and let the Lord lead you to good success!

Wishing All Chinese Happy & Prosperous Chinese New Year

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

RLC PJ Special Youth Service

Forget The Past, See Jesus Do A New Thing

but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 3:13–14
Forget The Past, See Jesus Do A New Thing!
Despite having repented and getting saved, Apostle Paul could have dwelled on his serious past mistake of persecuting the early church. He could have chosen to live a life of regret and thus fail to fulfill God’s call on his life. But he didn’t. Instead, he chose to forget the past, “reaching forward to those things which are ahead.”
My friend, don’t live in the past. Whether it’s a failed marriage, a huge mistake you made, or a hurtful remark from someone, leave them all in the past and move forward. By all means, learn from your mistake. But look to Christ as your success, wisdom, comfort and strength, and see Him do a new thing in your life by His unmerited favor.
See Him giving you stronger and blessed relationships through His wisdom and grace. See Him giving you a better job with better benefits. See Him restoring your health sevenfold. Consider not “the things of old,” but consider or meditate on His better promises (Hebrews 8:6). That’s how you move forward into His good success!

Monday, 27 January 2014

Personal Revelation Of God

I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees You.
Job 42:5

You may have heard of God from a friend or colleague. Perhaps you continue to hear of Him in church services on Sundays. Like Job, you say to God, “I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear.” But God also wants you to be able to say to Him, “But now my eye sees You.”
When Job told the Lord, “My eye sees You,” he was not saying that he saw God physically. He was referring to the moment when he had a personal revelation of God.
Why was it so important for Job to have a personal revelation of God? You see, God wanted Job to know that without a personal revelation of Him, the devil could easily steal from him. But from the moment that Job had a personal revelation of God, things got a lot better for him, with God restoring to him double of everything that he had lost. (Job 42:10–16)
There was a lady who was separated from her husband because he had an affair with his colleague. But when she came to our church and began to have a personal revelation of God’s personal love for her, she believed God for the restoration of her marriage by the end of the year. She did not just hear of a God who “so loved the world”. (John 3:16) She came to know the God who so loved her!
Not long after that, her estranged husband started dating her and was soon falling in love with her all over again. God also “took care” of the other woman — she resigned from the company. And on the first of January the following year, the couple moved back into their matrimonial home, their marriage now built solidly on God!
My friend, when you are reading your Bible or hearing God’s Word being preached, and suddenly you exclaim, “I see it, Lord!” that is when your personal revelation of God has come. And you are now in a position to receive all that He has for you!
Thought For The Day
When you have a personal revelation of God, you are in a position to receive all that He has for you!

Sunday, 26 January 2014

See The Lord And His Army On Your Side

So he [Elisha] answered, “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”
2 Kings 6:16
See The Lord And His Army On Your Side
Imagine waking up one morning, going to the window and being greeted by the sight of a massive army. Hundreds of well-armed soldiers with their horses and chariots have surrounded you, and they’re there to take you down!
What would you do?
In the Old Testament, Gehazi, Elisha’s servant, was consumed by such a frightening vision one early morning. Naturally, he panicked…until the Lord opened his spiritual eyes to see that the Lord’s army was present with them—in far larger numbers than their physically visible enemies!
My friend, never see yourself alone in your struggles or challenges. Don’t go by what you can only see, feel or hear with your natural senses. See with eyes of faith how the Lord and His angels, horses and chariots of fire are right with you to protect, provide for and deliver you! And if God is for you, how can you not emerge successful from every trial?

Saturday, 25 January 2014

See Your Giants As Bread

do not…fear the people [giants] of the land, for they are our bread; their protection has departed from them, and the Lord is with us. Do not fear them.
Numbers 14:9
See Your Giants As Bread

The 12 men whom Moses sent out to spy on the promised land all saw the same thing. They all saw the same big houses, the same huge grapes and yes, the same giants standing in their way! But unlike the others, Joshua and Caleb saw the giants as bread. The rest saw the giants as insurmountable, impossible obstacles. As a result, Joshua and Caleb were the only ones of their generation to enter the promised land.
When you see a “giant” today in your business, health or ministry, I challenge you to see it as bread that will only make you stronger. Don’t run away in fear, but face your giant head-on—knowing that you are armed with the Lord’s unmerited favor and the powerful promises of your faithful God!
Beloved, meditate on today’s verse. Let God’s Word drive out all timidity and give you the same spirit of faith that Joshua and Caleb had. Let it change the way you see yourself—not as a tiny grasshopper, but a giant-killer—and step into your promised land!

Friday, 24 January 2014

Never Too Mature To Pursue Your Dreams

How precious is Your steadfast love, O God! The children of men take refuge and put their trust under the shadow of Your wings.
Psalm 36:7, AMP
Never Too Mature To Pursue Your Dreams
Divorced. Mature. Displaced. Most people would have been discouraged by these official terms to describe their status in society, but not a precious lady who wrote to me sharing her testimony. She didn’t let how others saw her stop her from pursuing her dreams—she applied for a university education in her latter years. What caused her to rise above those voices of defeat? What caused her to be success-minded?
She shared with me that through reading my devotionals on God’s grace and Jesus’ finished work, she became infused with faith and boldness to pursue her dreams no matter what limits others put on her. Instead of seeing herself divorced, old and displaced, she said, “I see myself as God says I am—His beloved. Because I am His beloved, I’m trusting Abba for abundant provision.” She saw Almighty God backing up her dreams and giving her a great future despite her age.
Beloved, immerse yourself in the truth of God’s unmerited favor toward you today. Be conscious every day that you are His beloved—and pursue your dreams with boldness and hope!

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

What Are You Seeing And Hearing

Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.
Proverbs 4:23, NLT
What Are You Seeing And Hearing?
I can’t stress enough the importance of guarding your heart. The Book of Wisdom says that as a man thinks in his heart, so is he (Proverbs 23:7). Jesus also said that a man is only able to “bring forth good things” in his life if he has first filled his heart with good treasure!
How then do you guard what enters your heart? You guard what comes through your ear and eye gates!
What this means is that if all the bad news on television or the Internet is causing you to despair, turn your attention to something else that’s edifying and God-glorifying. If the people you hang out with are speaking fear, doubt and cynicism into you, I encourage you to hang out with kingdom friends who are faith-filled. Just as fear is contagious, so is faith!
Beloved, store up good treasures from the Lord in your heart and you will bring forth good success!

Sunday, 19 January 2014

It Happens On The Inside First

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.
3 John 1:2
It Happens On The Inside First
The apostle John tells us that God’s wish is that we prosper and be in health, even as our soul prospers. This means that our outward success, whether it’s in our health, family life, career or finances, is linked to our inward soul prosperity.
My friend, if in your heart and mind you can see yourself successful in a particular area of your life, it’s only a matter of time that you will experience it outwardly. For example, if you are chronically sick, stop seeing yourself weak and sickly. Start seeing yourself healed, healthy, strong and full of life!
How do you do that? Meditate on the Lord’s promises of health and healing for you, such as Isaiah 53:5 or Jeremiah 30:17. Meditate on Jesus’ healing miracles and see His compassion and willingness to heal you. Believe it. Visualize it. Thank Him for it, and you will experience it!

You Are The Righteousness Of God

…the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

Romans 14:17

If we are supposed to seek first the kingdom of God every day (Matthew 6:33), then we should know what the kingdom of God is in the first place. I used to think that the kingdom of God was the mission fields and that to seek it meant doing missionary work.

Then, I realized that the kingdom of God was not something outside you flowing in — “the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking”, but something inside you flowing out — “righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit”.

So to seek first God’s kingdom means to make it a priority every day to have your inner man flowing with righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

Righteousness is not your own righteousness based on what you do. It is not good works. It is a gift from Jesus who is your righteousness. (Romans 5:17; 1 Corinthians 1:30) God wants you to be established in the truth that you are the righteousness of God in Christ. (2 Corinthians 5:21)

“Peace be with you” were the words that Jesus spoke to His disciples when He appeared before them after His resurrection. He also showed them His pierced hands and side. (John 20:19–20) God wants you to know that His Son’s finished work has given you peace. Your conscience can be at rest because your sin debt has been settled. You have peace with God and the peace of God.

Joy will come into your heart when you see Jesus in the scriptures, worship songs or anointed preaching. It is the same joy from the Holy Spirit which filled the disciples’ hearts when they saw Jesus, His hands and His side. (John 20:20)

So every day, make it a priority to see yourself righteous in Christ. Don’t be conscious of your sins. Instead, be conscious of your righteousness. And whether you are reading your Bible or listening to anointed preaching, see Jesus with His pierced hands and side, which speak of His finished work. See all your sins forgiven, and you will flow with peace and joy. When you do this, you are seeking the kingdom of God

Friday, 17 January 2014

When God Does It, It's Perfect

…it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.
Philippians 2:13
When God Does It, It’s Perfect!

Once as a young child, I came across a shrub with gorgeous flowers. When I discovered a budding flower among the fully opened ones, I thought that it would be a great idea to help it blossom. So I tried to peel open the petals one by one…and bit by bit, the flower became undone as the petals were torn off in my little hands. I had begun with good intentions, but killed the poor flower in the end!
My friend, when it comes to our areas of concern, our human efforts to solve our problems, despite the best of intentions, cannot produce results that are as beautiful as if we were to allow God’s wisdom and timing to do it. It’s when we rest from our self-efforts and struggles to solve our problems, and allow God to work in us and through us, that we see divine results.
I’ve often said this: If God wants all the glory, then allow Him to do all the work. God loves it when you look to and lean on Him alone. In heaven, it’s, “Worthy is the Lamb,” and not, “Worthy is the Lamb…and me.”
Beloved, stop trying to make it all happen through your own strength and wisdom. Cease from trying and start trusting the Lord. Let Him work in and through you to overcome your challenges, accomplish your dreams and fulfill His plans and purposes for your life. When God does it with His incomparable wisdom, power and timing, it can only be perfect

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

What Earnest Prayer Is To God

The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working].
James 5:16, AMP
What Earnest Prayer Is To God

The Bible tells us that when Elijah prayed earnestly that it would not rain, it did not rain on the land for three years and six months (James 5:17).
You might be thinking, That must’ve been some prayer! I’d like to learn how to pray like that. So how did Elijah pray “earnestly”? You’ll be surprised to know that his prayer was not a long, intense, sweat-inducing prayer. No dropping to his knees to plead with God for hours or days. Elijah’s earnest prayer was just a simple declaration of faith: “As the Lord God of Israel lives, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, except at my word” (1 Kings 17:1). He simply declared in faith that there would be no rain.
My friend, can you see that our idea of praying earnestly is very different from that of God’s? Today, you don’t have to beg God for your miracle, because He is more than willing to meet your need. All you need to do is to trust His grace and speak to your mountain in faith. That’s praying earnestly to God. That’s an effective prayer that will produce dynamic, wonderful results!

Monday, 13 January 2014

Supernatural Management

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.
Romans 8:14
Supernatural Management
As a son of the Most High God, you can expect to be led by His Spirit in all areas of life. God doesn’t want you to manage your life in your own strength and get frustrated with mediocre or even disastrous results. He wants you to do it by His Spirit and get results that are divinely orchestrated!
For example, I’ve found that when God wants me to focus on a particular ministry in church, He will usually place that ministry on my heart for a whole week or month. Then, within that period, He will cause me to bump into people who have something to tell me about that ministry. Sometimes, my wife will bring up that ministry “out of the blue.” I don’t have to be a rocket scientist then to know that God wants me to pay attention to that ministry!
My friend, God can do the same for you when it comes to your family or career. God can lead you to focus on one child who may be having a hard time in school because of a bully. In the office, He may bring a particular area of your work that may have been mishandled or neglected to your attention. Whatever it is, God’s Spirit in you can show you what you need to know. He can lead you through people or promptings in your heart. Beloved, expect to see and receive His leading as a provision of His grace—to supernaturally manage your life and enjoy good success!

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Meditating On God’s Word Brings Healing

He sent His word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.
Psalm 107:20
Meditating On God’s Word Brings Healing
A brother from the United States wrote to me with a wonderful praise report. He said that he’d been suffering pain in his upper back for almost two years. One day, after reading my teaching about meditating on God’s Word, he decided to run with it. So on his way home from work that day, he decided to just meditate on Psalm 23:1, speaking it to himself over and over again—“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.”
He said that he must have muttered the verse at least 50 times as he pondered on Jesus being a good shepherd to him—how kind Jesus is to provide for him, lead him, tend lovingly to his needs and heal him.
The effect? “Every breath seemed to just release deeper and deeper waves of healing throughout my entire being and I started to notice the pain in my back just dissipate,” he shared happily. “And by the time I got home, all the pain was gone!”
Beloved, if you need healing in your body today, I encourage you to prioritize God’s Word. Meditate on it. Speak it and declare it over yourself. By His Word, God heals and delivers His people from every kind of destruction!

Friday, 10 January 2014

Get God’s Medicine In You

My son, give attention to my words…Do not let them depart from your eyes; keep them in the midst of your heart; for they are life to those who find them, and health to all their flesh.
Proverbs 4:20–22
Get God’s Medicine In You
One of my heroes from the 1800s is a man of faith called George Muller. With faith in God, he built five large orphanages and housed some 2,000 orphans annually. He never asked a soul for money, but brought every need before the Lord. He literally prayed in millions of dollars throughout his life to keep those orphanages going.
Muller did the Lord’s work tirelessly each day. At age 70, he even began a 17-year period of missionary travels and preached in almost 40 countries. He travelled more than 200,000 miles, an incredible achievement during pre-aviation times. At age 93, after being visited by two much younger friends, he later commented with gratefulness to God that he was much more energetic than them, with no aches or pains.
My friend, do you want to know what one of Muller’s secret to a long and healthy life was? It was his love of immersing himself in the Scriptures, and his life was a testimony of the constant recuperative power the Word exercised over or upon his whole being!
If your health has been poor lately, get into the Word. Ask the Lord to give you a renewed love for His Word. Saturate your heart and mind with His life-giving words each day. You can start by reading the healing miracles of Jesus. See His love and compassion for the sick, and His willingness to heal them. Write down a couple of healing scriptures and meditate on them, speaking them over your body and keeping them in the midst of your heart. Beloved, you will find that God’s Word is indeed life and health to your entire being! 

Receive His Word, Bite-sized

For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven…so shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth…
Isaiah 55:10–11
Receive His Word, Bite-sized
God holds the entire universe in the palm of His hand. His knowledge is fathomless and His wisdom knows no limits. If He were to release all His knowledge and wisdom on us at one go, our finite brains would not be able to take it! That’s why in the Book of Isaiah, it says that God’s Word proceeds from His mouth and comes down to us like the rain and snow—in bite-sized droplets or flakes.
My friend, God wants you to partake of His Word, and He gives you nourishment from it in bite-sized portions that you can easily digest. So don’t worry about not understanding a whole sermon or an entire chapter in the Bible. Just trust the Holy Spirit to impart to you what you need to know—it will be more than enough nourishment for the day.
Just one word of wisdom from the Lord through His Word can change your entire situation. Just one word from His mouth can break that lifelong addiction, drive out that disease, restore that broken marriage or give you a great business idea. You don’t have to understand the entire Bible to make your way successful each day. Just be sure to collect and consume those bite-sized portions of God’s Word every day!

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Where The Word Of King Is, There Is Power

Where the word of a king is, there is power…

Ecclesiastes 8:4

In Bible times, a king’s word carried tremendous power. What he decreed would come to pass. It would be done. For example, if he said, “Raise the taxes,” the taxes would be raised.

Do you know that we are kings? The Bible tells us that Jesus has washed us from our sins with His blood and made us kings. (Revelation 1:5–6) And as kings in Christ, our words carry power too.

When we place our hands on a sick person and say, “Be healed,” the person is healed. When we lay hands on our children and say, “Be blessed,” our children are blessed. There is power in our words because they are the words of kings!

When I was a young Christian in my teens, I wanted to practice what I had learnt about the power of my words. There was this particular plant near my home and whenever I passed by it, I would say to it, “Be cursed in Jesus’ name!”

Many days passed. And I will never forget the day when I noticed that the leaves of the plant had turned brown! You may want to try this at home with your potted plants, but bless them instead!

Since our words carry power, can you imagine the harm we do when we say to our loved ones things like, “You are always so careless”, “You are good for nothing” or “You are so stupid”? We are cursing them!

The devil is happy when you use the power of your words against yourself and your loved ones. He wants to see you defeated. So instead of saying, “I am always short of money,” say, “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” (Psalm 23:1) Instead of saying, “I am so useless. I can’t do anything,” start saying, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13)

Beloved, remember that as a king, what you say will come to pass because where the word of a king is, there is power. So learn to say what God says about you in His Word and see His promises come to pass in your life! 

Monday, 6 January 2014

Go Into And Remain In Peace

And He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace, and be healed of your affliction.”
Mark 5:34
Go Into And Remain In Peace
I had always thought that when Jesus told the woman who had been healed of a 12-year bleeding condition to “Go in peace,” He was just giving her a farewell greeting. One day, the Lord told me to check it up in the Greek. That’s when I found out that it actually reads, “Go into peace.”
I had also wondered why Jesus told her to “be healed of your affliction” when she was already healed the moment she touched Him. Again, when I looked up that phrase in the Greek, I realized that Jesus was actually telling her to be made whole, not just healed. In other words, Jesus ushered her into peace so that she could be made whole in every way—if she had been traumatized by previous medical procedures, she would have peace of mind and sound sleep.
My friend, Jesus not only wants to heal you, but He also wants to make you whole. Perhaps many things are troubling you today. Beloved, go into peace and remain in peace. How? By casting all your cares to the Lord. Keep your mind on Jesus’ faithfulness and goodness, and His perfect love for you. The Prince of Peace Himself will keep you in perfect peace (Isaiah 26:3), bringing about healing and wholeness in your body and circumstances. 

Sunday, 5 January 2014

The Year Of Greater Glory

2014 Is The Year Of Greater Glory. May you and all your loved ones experience greater glory, magnificence & splendor in every area of your life this year through the power & the finished work of Jesus!

Isaiah 60:1-5
Arise, shine;
For your light has come!
And the GLORY of the Lord is risen upon you.
For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth,
And deep darkness the people;
But the Lord will arise over you,
And His GLORY will be seen upon you.
The Gentiles shall come to your light,
And kings to the brightness of your rising.
“Lift up your eyes all around, and see:
They all gather together, they come to you;
Your sons shall come from afar,
And your daughters shall be nursed at your side.
Then you shall see and become radiant,
And your heart shall swell with joy;
Because the abundance of the sea shall be turned to you,
The wealth of the Gentiles shall come to you.

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Remain At Rest

And Moses built an altar and called its name, The-Lord-Is-My-Banner.
Exodus 17:15
Remain At Rest
The first battle that the Israelites fought after leaving Egypt was at a place called Rephidim. They were camped there, minding their own business, when the Amalekites came and attacked them.
Let me share something powerful with you here. The name “Rephidim” means “resting places.” Israel was literally at a place of rest when trouble came. Maybe you’ve experienced this too. And when times like these come, what should you do? Well, you meet the challenge, my friend!
Now, I don’t mean going into battle with the devil as though Christ has not already defeated him at the cross. No, the real fight is to stand your ground and remain at rest. The enemy wants to wrestle you out of your position of rest, get you into self-effort and get you all agitated, anxious and fearful. But God wants you to remain seated and restful, trusting in Him and the finished work of His Son that has wrought victory over all the works of the enemy.
So don’t get provoked out of your place of rest. Know that the Lord is on your side and with you in the midst of your battle. As you remain at rest in Him, He will give you might and lead you to a glorious victory, as he did that day for the Israelites against the Amalekites!